Artisan Breads, Buns & Baked Goods

We’re passionate about baking and handcrafing the finest artisan breads in the northwest. Founded in Ketchum, Idaho in 1997, Bigwood Bread is the premiere small-batch artisan bakery in Idaho, and is a multi-generational family-owned business.
We have been producing handmade artisan-style crusty dinner breads, sandwich breads, buns, rolls, bagels, pastries, and par-baked products for over 20 years, all of which we’ve developed through use in our own cafés. Our starter was brought here from France and we nurture it for use in most every bread we bake. We distribute 365 days a year to quality restaurants, hotels, and gourmet markets throughout Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Utah, and the Dakotas.
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